Sell your home in Traverse City

Let Ken Weaver of the Traverse North Team sell your home in Traverse City. We have the most aggressive marketing available, including distribution to hundreds of web sites. We start with the big 3, where over 90% of the home buying traffic begins

  • Zillow


  • Trulia

We then distribute to LIsthub, the largest distributor of real estate listings. They have over 25 publishers that can reach up to 700 sites

We then have an IDX feed from the MLS that feeds most agent and broker sites for another 500+ sites.

Your home will be automatically emailed to anyone that signs on on Zillow, Realtor or of the hundreds of agent sites for listing notification.

We also use Realbird System for additional exposure, along with our social media presence. Like anything in business, you need to pay to play and we use paid social media boosting to reach a maximum number of potential buyers.

Reach out to Ken Weaver anytime if you are considering selling your Traverse City Home.